World Renowned Lake Superior Route

We may be biased but we are pretty sure that Northern Ontario is one of the most beautiful places in the world. If you have never explored the northern shore of Lake Superior either before or after your Mar Mac Lodge fishing vacation we highly suggest that you plan a little extra time and […]
Should I choose the American Plan Package?

One of the questions we are most apt to hear is in regards to which package to choose when planning a Mar Mac Lodge vacation. Today we will focus on explaining a bit more about our American Plan Package and why or why not this plan would fit your group’s needs. First off, let’s start […]
A little offer for you in celebration of a successful start-up!

Ten days in to our season and all is going well here at Mar Mac Lodge. The team has pulled together nicely to ensure the boats, motors, cabins, main lodge and grounds are ready for your enjoyment. The fish are biting and the weather, up until today, has been most cooperative. One of the biggest […]